Lowongan Kerja Business Executive (Sales Wilayah Semarang) (Datascrip) Dealls Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Melani Fitria

Lowongan Kerja Business Executive (Sales Wilayah Semarang) (Datascrip) Dealls Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Lowongan Kerja Business Executive (Sales Wilayah Semarang) (Datascrip) Dealls Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Dealls memberi kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama Business Executive (Sales Wilayah Semarang) (Datascrip) di Semarang, Jawa Tengah.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Job description &amp requirements

🙌🏻 About Us

PT. Datascrip is a company that markets and sells machinery, digital devices, furniture, survey tools, stationery, and systems needed in business and offices. Datascrip started out as a humble stationery store in 1969. The company continued to expand its product lines from stationery to office equipment, office machines, drafting machines, office furniture, computers and printers. In 1979, Office Systems was the company’s core business. With its foray into information technology sector, Datascrip is now known as a One-Stop Business Solutions company.  VISSIONOur vision is to be the prominent distributor of business products in Indonesia.  MISSIONOur mission is to support customer’s business through high quality product provision and excellent customer service, with strong company culture, competent employees, efficient technology and good financial health.  VALUES We believe and base our actions on the following values:Succeed Above Success.CARE – Customer Interest, Attentive, Responsive and Enthusiasm.SMILE – Share, Motivate, Improve, Lead, Efficient.CoCoCoCo – Communication, Cooperation, Coordination, Commitment 


Very competitive

👑 Job Role

  • Mendistribusikan produk pada area yang telah ditetapkan
  • Mencapai target kuota penjualan
  • Menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan customer
  • Mencari dan mengembangkan customer baru di area penjualannya
  • Mengadakan kunjungan rutin ke customer serta menginformasikan segala kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pasar
  • Memantau dan bertanggung jawab atas pelunasan piutang dari customer agar dilakukan secara tepat waktu
  • Membuat laporan berkala perihal keadaan pasar, aktivitas kompetitor, dan sejenisnya

⛩️ Requirements

  • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK, semua jurusan
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai sales penjualan
  • Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
  • Memiliki daya juang dan berorientasi pada hasil
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, khususnya program Ms. Office
  • Wajib memiliki kendaraan sendiri (motor)
  • Berdomisili di Semarang

🎁 Perks

  • Transport 
  • Period Leave
  • Other 
  • Business Development
  • Business Development &amp Partnerships
  • Project Management

Check out more here – https://talent.usedeall.com/

About the company
Deall is a curated job portal, where only the talents we have curated can apply to vacancies.

Keuntungan Yang Didapat:

Lokasi Kerja Dealls: Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Waktu Kerja : Full time

Lamar Sekarang DAFTAR

Loker Dealls Ditutup Pada : 03 Jul 2024

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