PT Sam Kyung Jaya Garments memberi kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama QA Senior Manager di Jawa Tengah.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
JOB Description QA Manager
a) Prepare company quality policies, work procedures, work instructions, and completeness of documents related to the implementation process of the company’s quality system
b) Communicate and evaluate company performance based on data within the company and data obtained from customers
c) Prepare systems and plans desired by customers and implemented within the company
d) Assist in the analysis process of a problem that occurs and discuss the findings of the problem with management
e) Conduct supervision and control functions in terms of processes related to quality to all lines of the company, both in the form of raw materials and goods that have become garments until shipment time
f) Create internal company training materials or continue training conducted by customers, and prepare everything directly related to training materials and report them as evidence of the application of training that has been held
g) Prepare and directly supervise the implementation process of training for employees
h) Assess performance, and accommodate all input from personnel within the QA department