Hotel Candi Baru sebagai rekruter Candi Baru Hotel memberi kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama Store Keeper di .
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
1. Taking / checking and recalculating
the reports of all outlets
2. Matching priced
rooms with Room Count Sheet made by FO.
3. Matching the
reports /summary of all outlets with
the guest’s bill at the time.
4. Make the
transcript reports on sales that occurred during
the day.
5. Boasted sales
report cash, card or charge
6. A report made by the FO with supporting evidence
7. Matching, verifying
cash reports with
the funds received by the general
8. Make daily
sales reports for
all outlets
Persyaratan minimum:
- Mencari kandidat untuk bekerja pada:
- Senin: Pagi, Siang
- Selasa: Pagi, Siang
- Rabu: Pagi, Siang
- Kamis: Pagi, Siang
- Jum’at: Pagi, Siang
- Sabtu: Pagi, Siang
- Minggu: Pagi, Siang
- Diperlukan 1 tahun pengalaman kerja yang relevan untuk posisi ini
- Pelamar harus memiliki KTP
- Tanggal mulai kerja: 30 December 2024
- Gaji yang diinginkan: Rp2,500,000 – Rp3,000,000 per bulan